Sunday, April 8, 2007

Holy Week

Holy week is an exhausting business (especially for musicians) - this week I have sung more than I have done in quite awhile. Rehearsals from the beginning of the week and then the drama of the services o Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and then Easter Sunday….whew! – Thank God they are done. One of the interesting things about singing these services in the US verses in the Bahamas is that they give great emphasis to the quality of the music and the way its presented. The passion here is chanted (much like at St. George’s – but it’s a rarity in The Bahamas because it requires a great amount of singers. So I led the passion at All Saints - and then I also go to sing the Exultet as well on Holy Saturday I have to thank Katie or allowing me to do it and for being so musical in the way she asks for it to be done. – what a privilege to be the first to exclaim the risen Christ – and to such stunning music. I have to say though that the sermon preached on that occasion by Fr. Karl Morrison was the best sermon I have heard in a very long time. It made such an impression on me. Holy Saturday is always the “Easter Service” to me because of the liturgy. Sometimes I wish this would be the only service so that more people can be apart of such great liturgy. The Principal service today was just stunning – the brass, choir etc – WOW. Christ is risen indeed. I was reduced to tears at the end of the service when I thought of all my relatives who are now in the nearer presence of God and who loved this service. (my Jen, and my grandparents – I think of daddy (grump) who loved Easter so much. – Yes! Christ is alive – what joy it brings! - the right hand of the lord brings mighty things to pass - "we shall not die but live!" - amen to that!

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