Saturday, February 10, 2007

Starting again

So i've decided to start posting and creating another blog... this works better than those really long journals (thanks Jerome) - so its the end of my birthday week. Yes! Last Sunday feb 4th was my brirthday. It was quiet for the most part. I went to mass (as usual) the service was terrific - and a great message by the priest - and one of the readings ended..."by the grace of God, I am what I am" - such a positive message and phrase. The afternoon was speant at another service, this time a joint evensong with the choir of All Saints (my church) and Trinity Church. It was a another great service. In fact it was REALLY wonderful. Afterward i took up the invitation to go to the Sr. Warden's house (that's people's warden in our lingo) for a superbowl party. It was really fun. This was more about the party than the game (although we watched a bit of it) - However, Hope, Zack, Vakare (the other sections leaders of the choir) came by with a birthday cake - which was very cool. The rest of the week i have been really sick. The weather here has been brutal and when one person gets sick at college EVERYONE gets something - so either you're sick or your're gulping down "Airborne" all day. I swear Airborne could do a commercial at this place. Today, i feel somewhat better. My voice is still a lil rusty. Thankfully tomorrow i am conducting the choir and not singing so it gives me a few more days to rest my voice.

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