Saturday, September 1, 2007

Building Community

Well work on my Sr. and final year at Westminster has begun. This year promises to have some amazing music (which I am looking forward to). However last night in only our second rehearsal as a new group Dr. Miller (our director of choral activities) ended the rehearsal with a short talk about building community. I was nearly urged to stand up and say AMEN!!!! – That is because I have always believed that no matter what musical ensemble you are in Music helps to build community. The mere fact that there are more than 200 of us working toward one goal emphasis that point. However Dr. Miller did go on to make the point that, God forbid we lost our voices, what would we have? – and I took sometime to think on that. I, for one, would have some of the most precious relationships that I have ever made in my life. One my way home I was a little teary (ok I was a lot teary) because this is indeed my last year at Westminster and I will admit I will miss more than just the singing, I would miss the people here who have become family to me. Last night I looked around the room at the faces of the choir, some of which are brand new, and I looked for the spark that continue to build community here at Westminster. I am happy to say that it was all around me. – So thus it begins…the new year and more time to continue the legacy of building community here in Princeton. – Dr. Miller is indeed the right man for the job at this time. May god grant him a long time at Westminster and may our student community learn what it means to use this great gift of God (Music) to build all the communities around us.